You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
- Buddha

Welcomes you!
Connie Norup founded this friendly and open place in the year 1999 right in the heart of Stavanger. We are a group of dedicated individuals and organisations offering various kinds of body- and energy work. Together we create a space where personal growth and spiritual development can happen irrespective of what stage of life you are at.
Our diverse approach offers something for everyone interested in investing in one’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
Choose between different types of meditation practices, Yoga and dance. Regular workshops, family constellation work, and music events complement our repeating weekly schedule. Private sessions include somatic bodywork therapy, body psychotherapy, massage, coaching, and counseling.
All of this happens under the same roof! We suggest you take a few moments to explore! The whole team is looking forward to meeting you!
Classes are offered in English and/or Norwegian.
In our team, all of our teachers are individual
entrepreneurs we don't have membership- or subscriptions cards .
Feel free to contact any of them for more info.
Iyengar yoga, Family Constellations and individual sessions
The dynamic force running behind the Kongsgata44.
She channels her studies and insights into Yoga, Energy, and Spiritual developments into 3 major directions: Yoga practice, Mindfulness, and Family Constellations and synthesis through Individual sessions.
T.+47 900 784 66
Speaks: Norsk and English
Zen practice community
Stavanger Zen Sangha is a zen practice community in Stavanger, founded and led by Zen teacher Kåei. Kåei founded and led Haugesund Zen Senter in 8 years before he moved back to Stavanger in the summer of 2023 and founded Stavanger Zen Sangha.
Kåei have thaught zen practice for many years, and studied and practice with 2 zen masters. After 10 years of zen practice and 8 years leading zen communities, intensive retreats with training and guiding, Kåei took the 10 precepts and was formally initiated as a Zen Teacher in the tantric and dynamic korean "Rinasai" zen from the great master Seung Sahn Sunim by his student and master Hyon Gak Sunim.
Humbly he takes upon continuing to teach and fasilitate zen practice and to keep serving Buddha, Dharma, Sanga.
T. 970 757 50
M. stavangerzensangha@outlook.com
Speaks: Norsk and English

Katarina Stefanovic
Yoga flow and dance workshops
Katarina is a gentle revolutionary who blands the roles of a yoga instructor, dancer, ritual performance artist and writer/poet. They are all together on a journery of self-exploration. She is drawn to opening spaces and events that restore and support the community spirit.
At KG44 she offers Yoga flow classes based on Hatha teachings and dance workshops (Groundin and slowdance) that hamonize and liverate inner expression through movement and sound channeling feelings and connecting to authenticity, playfulness and joy
T. 996 735 75.
Speaks: English and Norsk
Tai Chi and Qi Gong
TaiChi Stavanger/HEAL Norway is run by Gitte R. Olsen. She has been trained as a Muscular Therapist since 1995 and has additional training as a Homeopath.
Gitte is a certified Tai Chi and Qi Gong instructor and holds courses, exciting workshops, events and fantastic Tai Chi training holidays to warmer regions. Anyone can practice Tai Chi. Tai Chi provides a sense of physical and mental well-being and calmness.
Regular Tai Chi training makes the body resilient, strong and flexible, and the mind balanced, clear and alert, and reduces stress. The Chinese martial art is made up of slow movements and harmonious exercises that stimulate good breathing techniques and relaxation and is called "meditation in motion"
Speaks: Norsk and English
Gestalt Therapi (psychotherapi)
Tamar is a therapist with long and wide life experience and education. She is both a certified
physiotherapist and gestalt therapist, with over 25 years of practice.
She is whole-heartedly engaged in her work, with a focus on care and respect to the person she meets.
Conversation, therapy support, guidance, and coaching with a safe, caring, experienced therapist.
T.+47 412 766 98
M. rogaland.gestalt@gmail.com
Speaks: Norsk, English, and Hebrew

Hilde Glad
Yoga Somatics & Psycotherapy/Bodywork
My name is Hilde Glad and I am a psychotherapist and a teacher in yoga Somatics. Since 2008 I have had private practice as a Gestalt therapist to varying degrees, combined with working as a social worker in the health care system or teaching at the Institute of Social Work at the University in Stavanger. The last months I have had my own practice as my main work, teaching groups in yoga Somatics and working as a psychotherapist.
Since 2013 I have studied and been certified in different body-oriented methods such as Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, yin-yoga, Deva Yoga, yogaSOMATICS, and Somatic Movements. I share a blend of everything I have learned in the classes I teach, and I call it yoga Somatics.
At Kongsgaten 44 I offer both workshops and more regular classes in yoga Somatics, and I offer sessions in individual psychotherapy/ bodywork.
For booking , individual sessions or more information about workshops/ classes in yoga Somatics you can sign up for Kongsgaten 44 monthly newsletters or send me an e-email.
M. hilde.terapi@gmail.com.
Speaks: English and Norsk

Karina Meling Goldie
Yin Yoga
I gained my experience from different yoga styles before I started with ashtanga and yin in 2017. In addition I have taken a course in medical yoga, kundalini yoga and I was also practicing Iyengar yoga for a couple of years prior to this.
My first teacher training was with Axelsons in Oslo in 2019 with 100 hours Yin yoga, and from 1st of August of the same year, I was teaching an average of 3 hours a week of Yin at Ashtanga Stavanger Madla.
During Covid I took a 200 hours TT yin and hatha yoga at The Shala yoga and mindfulness, and passed my exams in December 2022. In June 2023 I was certified in mindfulness MBSR, a method based on Jon Kabat-Zinn on how to reduce stress.
Over my years of practicing I have found a great interest in TCM traditional Chinese medicine and have also taken a 50 hours online course with Jennifer Raye on how to implement TCM, meridians and theory in to yoga.
I aim to ensure that everyone’s individual needs is looked after in my class, and I look forward to welcoming everyone this fall 🧘🏻♂️🙏🏻
M. karinayinspiration@gmail.com
T. 481 559 26.
Speaks : Norsk and English.
Meditation & dharma study
Bodhi Path offers a path for meditation practice and study that is rooted in authentic Dharma teachings and is suited to the needs and conditions of modern-day Dharma practitioners
Chair of the board
T.+47 993 13 314
Assisting chair of the board:
T.+47 930 44 229
Speaks: Norsk and English

Agata Pilcicka
Access Bars
Agata offers individual Access Bars sessions.
This simple technique is soothing and balancing the nervous system. It helps to reduce the constant energy drain caused by stress, leaving more energy for daily activities and improving overall vitality.
By regular relaxing the nervous system, we create foundation for holistic well-being and resilience..
T. +47 462 69 281
Speaks: English and Norsk
We offer different types of physical activities, guided
meditations, therapies, and workshops that will help you
achieve peace and harmony.

Tamar: Gestalt therapy:
According to the client's booking. T.+47 412 766 98
Language: Nor, En
Connie: Constellations:
Individual and Group sessions. T.+47 900 784 66
(Language: Nor, En )
Hilde: Gestalt & trauma therapy:
Book T.+47 970 93 956 Mail:hilde.terapi@gmail.com
(Language: Nor, En )

Bodhipath Stavanger
Meditation and dharma teachings are suited to the needs and conditions of modern-day Dharma practitioners.
Monday 19:00 - 21:00
Chair of the board
T.+47 993 13 314
Assiting chair og the board
T. +47 930 44 229
(Norwegian and English)

Karina: Yin Yoga (Language: Nor)
Wednesday: 19:00-20:30 T.+47 958 862 72
Katharina: Yoga flow (Language: En)
Thursdays 17:00-18:15
Connie: Lyengar inspired Yoga (Language Nor & En)
Tuesday 18:45-21:00 and Thursday 11:00-12:30
T.+47 900 784 66
Gitte: Tai Chi and Qi Gong (Language: Nor & En) Wednesday Beginners 9:45-10:45 and 17:30-18:30 Intermediates level 11:00-12:00 T.+47 950 247 06
Hilde: Yoga Somatics (Language: Nor & En)
Mondays 11:00-12:15
Stavanger ZEN Sangha
Stavanger Zen Sangha is a zen community with practice rooted in the korean, dynamic and tantric "rinzai" zen from the great Zen master Seung Sahn Sunim, and his student Zen master Hyong Gak Sunim. Founder and daily teacher is Zen teacher Kåei ( Hong Ye ).
Thursdays 18:30 - 21:00
T.+47 970 757 50
E. stavangerzensangha@outlook.com
(Norwegian and English)
Facebook , Instagram

Every month we have different activities Workshops are available in Norwegian and English.
Join us!
See upcoming events
Check out more events on our facebook event page